When you are teaching your child how to ride a bike, one of the main goals is to eventually have them be able to ride without training wheels. Many parents make the mistake of thinking that their child should use training wheels until they can ride without them. This isn't the case though. In fact, your child should start practicing without training wheels as soon as they can balance on a bike.
Training wheels give children a false sense of security and can actually make them less confident riders.
When it comes to teaching your children how to ride a bike, many parents rely on training wheels. Training wheels give children a false sense of security and can actually make them less confident riders. They can also delay children's development of the skills needed to ride a bike independently. The best way to teach your children to ride a bike is to provide plenty of practice and encouragement. Let them take their time and don't be too impatient. With a little bit of patience and perseverance, your children will be riding bikes like pros in no time!
Cycling is a fun, healthy activity that your child should be encouraged to participate in.
Cycling is a great way for children to get exercise, and it’s a lot of fun too! Cycling can help improve your child’s cardiovascular health, and it’s a great way to build muscle. Cycling is also a great way to improve your child’s balance and coordination.

By removing the training wheels, you can help your child develop the skills they need to be a confident cyclist.
It can be a little scary for a child when they first start riding a bike without training wheels. But by removing the training wheels, you can help your child develop the skills they need to be a confident cyclist. We recommend a child use a balance bike, such as the Bentley Balance Bike. One of the most important things to teach your child is how to balance on a bike. You can do this by having them practice in a safe area, like a park or driveway. Once they have mastered balancing, they can start pedaling. It may take a little while for your child to get used to riding without training wheels, but with practice they will be able to ride confidently. And who knows, maybe they will even teach you how to ride a bike!